Ambulance and construction vehicles sit parked outside the Sasago tunnel
in the city of Otsuki in Yamanashi prefecture, some 80 kms west of
Tokyo on December 3, 2012, the morning after part of the tunnel
collapsed, crushing cars and triggering a blaze inside. Rescuers found
three crushed bodies in a collapsed tunnel on a major Japanese highway,
taking the death toll to nine on December 3 as questions mounted about
whether decaying ceiling supports caused the disaster. JAPAN OUT
TOKYO- Pemerintah Jepang memerintahkan inspeksi
terowongan-terowongan tua setelah runtuhnya terowongan Sasago. Hal ini dilakukan karena insinden yang menewaskan sembilan orang dan
melukai dua orang lainnya tersebut diduga terjadi karena konstruksi bangunan
sudah lapuk karena dimakan usia.